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Moving The Easy Way

I have never been one of those people who is naturally inclined to stay organized, but a few months ago I realized that I would need those skills if I was going to move successfully. I started focusing heavily on moving in an organized manner, and I started by getting rid of all of my belongings that I knew I wouldn't need. It took a lot of work, but by the time I cleaned things out, I knew that moving would be a snap. This blog is all about moving the easy way, leaving the mess behind, and being able to enjoy the journey.

Moving The Easy Way

Three Major Ways To Categorize Your Items When Planning A Move

by Kyle Hamilton

Moving involves considerable planning, and part of the planning involves organizing your items into three major categories. Here are the three categories and what they should include:

To Donate

If you are like most people, then you probably have items that you don't want to use but may still be of value to other people. Examples include clothes that you consider out of style, school books you no longer need, or toys that your kids have outgrown. It's advisable to get rid of these items by donating them so that they won't add to your moving weight and increase your moving cost.

To Discard

These are the items that you haven't used for a long time, you won't be using for the foreseeable future, and which are too damaged to be donated. Examples include toys that are too damaged to be repaired, books that you no longer need, or torn clothes. Put all such items in one place and get rid of them (in a proper manner) as soon as possible.

To Carry

The third major category should contain all the items you want to carry with you to your new location. However, you should categorize them into different subcategories depending on the items you have. Here are some of the useful subcategories:


These are the things you will need immediately upon your arrival or may even use along the way. They include toiletries, warm clothing, water, flashlights, and paper plates, among other things. Pack the essentials in a separate box, and have them in your personal car for easy access.


This subcategory should contain the items that you still need, but standard moving companies won't carry. This includes things like firearms, fuel, and houseplants, among other things. You can either carry them in your personal car or organize with specialty moving companies; there are moving companies that specifically deal with such items.

Delicate or Special Items

Lastly, you should also have a subcategory of special items that need to be handled with care or need special handling tools. This includes expensive and delicate artwork, a collection of fine china, and a piano, among other things. Inform your chosen moving company about these special items so that they can plan for them.

As you can see, your move will progress much easily and smoothly if you plan for it in advance. You can also talk to your preferred movers for more information on how to organize your move.
