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Moving The Easy Way

I have never been one of those people who is naturally inclined to stay organized, but a few months ago I realized that I would need those skills if I was going to move successfully. I started focusing heavily on moving in an organized manner, and I started by getting rid of all of my belongings that I knew I wouldn't need. It took a lot of work, but by the time I cleaned things out, I knew that moving would be a snap. This blog is all about moving the easy way, leaving the mess behind, and being able to enjoy the journey.

Moving The Easy Way

Trying To Move A Piano On Your Own? Follow These Tips

by Kyle Hamilton

Do you have a heavy piano that you need to move, but you're not sure of the best way to do it? Even if you think you are strong enough to move a piano by lifting it on your own, it is a lot harder than you think. It helps to follow these tips that can make it easier. 

Measure Your Path

Before you even attempt to move the piano, take the time to measure the dimensions of all the doors and hallways that you'll be pushing the piano through to get it out of your home. If it is a tight fit, you may have to remove doors, door handles, or make the area clear to form a path out of the house.

Use Jacks To Lift The Piano

One of the hardest parts of moving a piano can be lifting it up so that you fit it on piano dollies. Rather than trying to find a safe place to lift up the piano, try raising it from the ground with a jack. There are specialized jacks that you can use that are designed specifically for pianos. They are designed so that they are wide enough to support the weight of a piano and how it is distributed. You would lift up the piano, slide the dolly underneath, and then release the jack so that the piano gently rests onto the dolly.

Use Moving Pads And Plastic Wrap To Protect The Piano

It's incredibly easy for a piano to take an odd bump during the move, which is going to cause the finish to become dented or scratched. The best way to prevent this from happening is to wrap the piano in moving pads. You can then secure those pads in place using plastic wrap. Now you have some added protection if you take a corner too tightly and collide into it. 

Secure The Piano To The Dolly

A big mistake people make is moving the piano without securing it to the dolly. This can be done using straps that tighten with a ratchet, which gives the strap a tight grip on the piano so it is not going anywhere. This will prevent the piano from tipping over in the middle of moving it, which can cause a lot of damage. 

Having trouble doing this job on your own? Reach out to piano movers in your area for assistance.   
